Mandi Schenkenberger

K/1 ELM Teacher & Curriculum Director

Mandi Schenkenberger (Mrs. Berger) lives in San Juan Capistrano with her husband, loves to travel, mountain bike, spend time at the beach, and hang out with her 8 nephews! Mandi has a Bachelor’s Degree from the California State University Long Beach and a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential from National University. 

Previous work experiences include over 5 years as a Behavior Interventionist (working with kids with disabilities), tutoring, and teaching grades kindergarten through third grade for the last 4 years. 

Subjects taught and passionate about: Math, English Language Arts, Reading Intervention, Writing, History, and STEAM. She also specializes in teaching students of ALL abilities/needs. 

Teaching philosophy: I believe in seeing the good in every child and recognizing their endless potential. I hope to inspire students to fall in love with learning and become lifelong learners!